Next event: 24/07/2022

Join Rotary

Watch this short video about how you with your experience can make a world of difference by taking the first steps towards joining Rotary today.

Why not come along for 3 meetings as a guest to find out more about us.  All we ask is that you bring a sense of humour as we like to have fun as well as all the good work we do in the community and beyond.

Contact us for more information:

Barry Wheeler
Telephone: 0121 550 3679

Qualifications for membership

We’re looking for more men and women of all ages and backgrounds to join our network of Rotary clubs throughout Great Britain and Ireland, to use their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improving the lives of people in their local communities and others around the world. And, in the process, you can enjoy the benefits of business networking, personal development, meeting new friends, hearing inspiring speakers, having a great deal of fun and experiencing that special sense of fulfilment that comes from achieving something really worthwhile.

Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland (RIBI) is an Association of private clubs, members of which abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the Association, and by the Constitution of their own club.

Club members should be “adult persons of good character and good business, professional and/or community reputation” and agree to uphold high moral and ethical standards in their “personal, business and community life” as well as in their interaction with other people generally.

Please note that “membership of a club is by invitation only, at the discretion of the members.” It is important, therefore, that you take time to visit your prospective club on a few occasions to ensure not only that you get to know its members and that you will feel happy being part of the club, but also that you give its members a chance to get to know you.

Membership Commitment

What are the responsibilities of membership?

We meet weekly although depending on your business or personal commitments we are flexible in regards to attendance. Members must pay a small annual fee and we do currently charge £5 for every weekly meeting you attend to cover the food costs. We encourage members to aspire to club leadership or committee roles.

What are the attendance requirements?

We understand that Rotarians often have busy jobs or run their own businesses and as a result we do not impose any attendance requirements at Halesowen & Rowley Regis Rotary as a rule.   We just want you to come along and get involved as much as you can.
How much does it cost?

Although we don’t collect information on individual club fees, it’s entirely appropriate to ask about the cost of membership. If you’re interested in joining a particular club, attend a weekly meeting and ask this question.

What is the minimum age to be in Rotary?

There is no minimum age to join Rotary. You may be invited to join at any age after you become established in a career and have the time and financial resources to meet all Rotary club membership requirements. If you’re interested in joining a Rotary club, ask members about the time and financial commitments necessary to fulfil membership requirements, and consider whether you can make those commitments.

Are college students eligible for membership?

No. Rotarians have achieved a level of career experience that enables them to bring a specialization to their club, and students haven’t yet reached a level in their professional and personal lives that allows them to fulfil all aspects of Rotary club membership. But undergraduate and graduate students, as well as young adults, may become members of Rotaract clubs.